Thanks to a timely distraction in the form of a Giant Eagle, Gidon and the others are finally able to steal their horse.
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Players: Gidon, Nob, Sulgirion
Sulgirion crosses paths with the marchwarden as Haldir heads northward for the High Pass.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Haldir, Sulgirion
Sulgirion returns to help the humans cross the ford.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Brev, Sulgirion
Brev, Gidon, and the others come upon a fishing Eagle, who offers to find a way across the Greyflood for the humans in exchange for their sheep.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Brev, Nob, Sulgirion
Valoron and Sulgirion discuss the recent curious shift in orcish behavior in Mirkwood.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Valoron, Sulgirion
Nurenhir wanders a little too close to Oliver the troll. Something large and feathery offers the form of raining boulders.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Nurenhir, Ollie, Sulgirion
A search for a lost wolfhound leads to the discovery of something else, and it is clawed and rather not as cuddly.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Bruug, Sulgirion, Hraefengar, Nurenhir, Penniavas, Ollie
Hraefengar returns from a hunt, and is tended by Nurenhir for his hurts. Meanwhile, Brev heals the Eagle's spear-wound. Was not the Rohir hunting with a spear? Naturally, some suspicions arise..
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Brev, Hraefengar, Nurenhir, Sulgirion
A dead boar falls from the sky, and Sulgirion sends Brev's pony into fright. Catching and calming the poor animal is easier said than done.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Brev, Sulgirion
Nurenhir cooks late night pancakes for Elf, Eagle, and Rohir. It leads into songs of the Elder Days, and of the Riddermark.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Hraefengar, Nurenhir, Mirodhel, Gidon, Sulgirion