Entries with Names starting with 'E'
As dawn breaks, the Elven diplomat Haruven nears Esgaroth. A Dwarven company, however, just can't wait till break of day to leave it!
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Players: Haruven, Gloin
The Ranger-harper Lithiugelir and woman of ill-repute (not that way!) Cordelia have a chance meeting on Bree Hill.
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Players: Lithiugelir,Cordelia
Brev presses the recovering Gidon for his plans
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Players: Brev, Gidon
Braldor gets the story out of Eirdis about the supposed lies Siv was spreading.
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Players: Eirdis, Ranol, Braldor
Eirdis goes through the dwarven camp, seeing to injuries, including Ranol's.
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Players: Ranol, Eirdis
Admist singing and deer-searching, two ellith weave one marchwarden a colorful crown of flowers.
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Players: Haldir, Nalas, Veredhiel
Well, anything's got to be better than more vegetables ... Binol and Bathur discuss cuisine whilst Broddur turns his compassionate bedside manner on Thari and Frarin
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Players: Thari, Broddur, Frarin, Binol, Bathur
The marchwarden Haldir catches a small orc-scout by surprise, and questions him regarding recent and future plots.
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Players: Haldir, Bagaglok, Dobog
King Thranduil pays another visit to the dwarven camp.
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Players: Thranduil, Thari, Ranol
Grimbeorn and Agmundr exit the Great Bear Inn to discover a curious gathering of visitors has come to the village. And what is more, the tidings they speak of are not cheery in the least...
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Agmundr, Farak, Galadriel, Grimbeorn, Haldir, Sulgirion