Entries with Names starting with 'L'
Bagaglok tends to the high priestess' wounds again, and language lessons are discussed.
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Players: Mara, Bagaglok
A late night accident leads to an interesting opportunity for the young Kavanagh heir.
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Players: Gregoir, Aeden, Brev
Two dwellers at the village seem to be sleepless this night.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Gidon, Ollie, Nurenhir, Narshaak
Frarin and Thari talk late one night at the Healing House of Bree.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Frarin, Thari
Keldean gets another visit from Meleithel, who chats with him extensively about elves and the valley.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Keldean, Meleithel
Merenglir meets Ceredir and learns about the Company of Ithilien.
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Players: Ceredir, Merenglir
Conall gives Keldean a pipe after some advice on hair styles.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Conall, Keldean
The Ered Luin dwarves suddenly realize Lord Bifur has been gone for A Long Time. He must have found lots of gold that he is selfishly keeping for himself. They decide to go and make him share.
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Cordelia and Muirgheal are attacked by two bandits to the north of Bree. Muirgheal won't walk away without taking a souvenir.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Cordelia, Muirgheal, Hatman, Scarface