Entries with Names starting with 'N'
Imladech observes the final preparations of the special helm, but Bagaglok has conveniently forgotten to previously mention any expected price.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Bagaglok, Imladech
The Rohir is feeling better, and it seems Elladan promised to bring him to Imladris. Meanwhile, the steward Nurenhir names off a list of herbs for Gidon and Sulgirion.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Hraefengar, Gidon, Ollie, Nurenhir, Sulgirion
A pair of disreputable fellows drinking in the Prancing Pony try to interest some Dwarves in the name of Imladech
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Broddur, Natter (Lo), Imladech
Nasrudin receives a divine revelation while slumbering at prayer. Or perhaps he just want to rile that young scribe who refused to buy his 'ancient' scroll
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Nazrudin, Barzhil
Brev and Finnian finally reach Hawk territory
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Finnian, Brev, Carac
At dawn, Mellindiel embroiders a garment for a young ellon. Ivrennin meets her and they talk about the past, present and future.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Mellindiel, Ivrennin
Leris and Ranon (played by Keldean) discuss a proper exchange for pipeweed with Thilo (played by Boldibad). Negotiations take a negative turn.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Boldibad, Keldean, Leris, Shire, EL, Ered-luin, luin
Arathis interrupts Elphir reading in Mithrellas' Garden.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Arathis, Elphir
Orc-truces, and schemes over how to catch an Elf.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Barzhaat, Bagaglok, Nob
Under orders from the orc Grishnakh, perhaps, Iswas attempts to catch Mobeorn in a net, while Elladan, Cecilia and Henleg just try to kill Iswas
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Iswas,Cecilia,Elladan,Henleg,Mobeorn