Entries with Names starting with 'Q'

Riolan is educated on the importance of savouring one's ale, and Gloin tries to puzzle out the strange customs of Menfolk regarding fathers and sons.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Gloin, Riolan
Thorhur receives a lesson in the High Tongue from Methenauth.
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Players: Thorhur,Methenauth
More questioning of the ranger, more tidbits learned.
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Players: Rhifaroth, Seeker, Cordelia, Keldean, Asht
It seems new methods must be employed to get the ranger to talk.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Cordelia, Rhifaroth, Seeker, Keldean, Asht
Rhifaroth is still held captive by the enemy and the enemy's friends
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Players: Rhifaroth, Seeker, Cordelia, Keldean, Asht
Finnian tries to figure out why Brev was acting so strangely round that messenger from Creatrach
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Brev, Finnian
A series of questions are exchanged between the young squire Menelglir, the Eorling Hraefengar, and the Knight Arathis
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Theoden, Hraefengar, Arathis, Menelglir
Dwarf, Elf and Men - or more correctly Women - meet in the Fiery Flagon. Much of interest remains unsaid
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Haruven, Gloin, Isobel, Oriana
Arabella, Cordelia, and Uannve have some strange discussions in the middle of the road in Archet, then Cordy and Bells help each other out.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Cordelia, Arabella, Uannve
Carac has self-doubts about his ability to lead, and it turns into a heated argument and some unexpected revelations.
Sort Date: no date set
Players: Carac, Halen, Finnian, Alroy