
Back Taxes and Penalties

The Steward of the Black Tower executes a commoner for not paying his tithe to the Dark Citadel, while the onlooking crowd--notably the Farside Captain--objects.
Sort Date: no date set
Location: Umbar
Game Date: December 7, 3046
IC Time: Dawn
The Square of Judgement
An aura of dark foreboding hangs over this place. A huge gallows sits in the far western edge of the square. The apparatus dominates the square--a rope hangs ready. In front of the gallows, a tall whipping-post juts upward. The post is rough and scarred from use. You shudder when you envision the goings-on here--you can almost hear echos of the screams reverberating from the srurrounding buildings.
In front of the all the gruesome devices of death and torture, a series of lines are painted on the ground. Evidently, the area is also used for 'gentlemen's duels' and training for combat.
Leading north and south from the square are several rows of shops and stalls selling all manner of goods. All around the periphery of this dark square are brightness and colors, scents, sounds and sights of the great Market of Umbar. Vendors shout out their wares to passers by in a cacophony of trade. Beyond the gallows to the west stands the impressive facade of the Guildhouse of Merchants.

The day sky is clear with only slight wisps of clouds overhead. The late morning winter air is cool and dry around you.

[+TIME] Middle-earth time is:
Early Night on Trewsday, Day 7 of December.
Execute the +TIMEFRAME command for year information.

Real time is: 21:11:55 MDT on Thu May 14 2009.

      The bricks and limestone of Umbar have been painted in ruddy shades by the gathering light of dawn which runs in broad ribbons along the narrow alleys and passages of the city, which otherwise lies in deep shadow. It is still cool, and the aroma of the smoke of morning fires perfumes the air with the scene of cooking food. This is accompanied by the din of vendors setting up their various boothes in the market area amidst the general business of the Square of Judgement - though a somewhat rare ceremony is about to be repeated on this very patch of earth, and a large gathering has assembled to watch it.
      Toward the western end of the Square a dias has been constructed of timber, and centered on it at the fore is an upturned crate draped in cloth. A number of priets arrayed in robes of black and red, bearing various insignia of the lidless eye, stand in serried rows, weapons and jewels glistening in the sunlight. Among them is the Steward of Black Tower, Uzay, with a small number of his guards. While the crowd still grows, he raises his arms to silence their conversation, and then addresses them in a booming voice.
      "You have a sacred duty this morning, my countrymen, to bear witness to the divine judgement of our Common Master, the Dark Lord, in action in our community! For on this today, a certain schismatic man is about to receive his deserved punishment for failing to fulfil his obligations to the saintly priesthood - namely for refusing to pay his tithes of ten percent." With a gesture he adds, "Bring the merchant forward, and give him a final opportunity to account for his sanctimonious behavior!"

There's a low murmuring from some of the crowd at this--cautious but angry. In support of the Steward's words? In opposition? It is not clear, but scattered among the crowd are many Corsairs, Alimah among them--and she and many others do not look pleased.

[Ambrose(#29779)]       A stock of wood, behind the neck of merchant and tied at the wrists forces the man to hunch over. The slow staggering steps of malnutrition have worked into the very core of the Ambrose. Brown eyes and gitty long dark blonde hair falls over his visage as he is prodded along by a small contingent of guards. Only the brightest of suns, or the vilest of Nazgul, could force a shriek like the one from the prisoner of Uzay.

      "This is he!" growls Uzay with palpable contempt. "What have you to say for yourself, cockroach? Now is your final chance to repent! If you show proper obeiscance, you may be forgiven! If not, you shall be made to pay your tithe with your very lifeblood!" As this is said a priest steps forward and bares a long dagger of polished steel and cuts the palm of his hand, preparing the blade for the performance of sacrifice. The chorus of men and women arrayed behind begin to pray in the form of a fell, droning chant.

"Who is he?!" someone shouts from the crowd.

"What was his crime besides not paying?! Why should he die for this?!"

There is a rumble of growing dissent in the crowd, though it is hard to pin down who exactly shouts.

[Ambrose(#29779)]       A woman, her long lithe arm wrapped about the younger form of her daughter, watches on. In the dusty heat, a thin path formed in the wake of rolling tears, streaks her face. Her eyes light up as Ambrose, her loving husband and father of their daughter is forced into the square.
     "Sellin is hard enough, hard enough to make money for my family alone without paying them forced tithes." The man sobs, his tears lost into the stubble of a fortnight without shaving. His sobs begin to flow freely as he notes his wife and the piercing blue eyes of their daughter as she yells to him.

      "Gah! Through his profanation the prisoner has revealed the nature of his irreligious spirit!" Uzay gestures and the guards surrounding Ambrose begin to move so as to bend him backwards over the cloth-covered crate, prepared to beat him if he resists. "Do you not realize," he speaks directly to the prisoner, "that our Dark Lord will reciprocate every gesture of support made by humanity, by bestowing blessings of every kind upon us? Verily, our Dark Lord too will mercilessly punish those who refuse his grace. Our Common Master would have lifted you up to be a powerful man in your own fashion, had you proven faithful. Instead, you chose disobedience, and so shall perish like a dog!" Uzay indicates the man's family, "Do not weep for this fool, he is a heretic, and unfit to be husband or father. Let him die, and serve as an example to all of Umbar!"

[Ambrose(#29779)]       "He's a good man, whose fallen on troubled times!" The wife of Ambrose sobs as his body is controted against his will. "Would you be so quick to lend a hand to those that fall to remain faithful?" The woman calls her eyes locking with those of her love.
     The stifled sobs of Ambrose are the only reply as the call comes again from the young woman hardly eight years old, "....Papa!?"

"Is he from the Black Tower?" a man in the crowd calls.

"Are you going to execute half the city so that they have to make a choice between their family starving and paying the tithe to your god!" another calls angrily.

"Who is Black to kill a man for not tithing the citadel?!" shouts a woman, her brown face set sternly. "This is worse then the days of the Emperor!"

A grumble moves through the crowd like the herald of an on-coming storm.

      As he becomes aware of the protests from the crowd, and from the man's wife, he answers in a cruel voice. "You worthless lot! You make this city to be a den of vipers! Can it be any suprise that our Lord's judgement befalls you?" The guards continue to strive to bend Ambrose backwards over the crate and make him ready to be sacrificed. "Let it never be doubted that the Lidless Eye is the true master of Middle Earth, and our lives are His to govern, including the life of this dog - I do not know his name, it does not matter, and he is /not/ of my Tower!" The Steward grows visibly more and more angry. "Who is your God?" he roars, "Castamir? Some heathen king of Numenor? Yourselves, perhaps? Or are you entirely godless? Cast away every jot of idolatry from your hearsts, or else this judgement shall be meted out to you also. For it is the order of our High Priestess Mara, (peace and blessings be upon her,) who is the spokesperson for our Highest Lord Sovereign is this kingdom, that a tithe of ten percent should be collected from every citizen, great or small, and those who refuse, should be put to death! I, the Black Paladins, and all of Black Tower, are entrusted with the task of effecting her saintly decree! To deny the rightousness of this execution is to deny your God! Repent now, or the blood of others shall be spilled today!"

It is a young boy of about 12 who responds first. Not with word, but the youth stoops and picks up a rock--and then it is lobbed toward the Steward's head. There is a gasp from the crowd, which closes around the boy automatically, hiding where he was standing.

"You have no authority to do this!" a man shouts.

[Ambrose(#29779)]       "As you said, it the will of the eye to govern our lives, not you. May you fester with the corpses of swine and vermin you monster!" The woman shouts and falls weeping to the ground as her daughter tugs softly on her mother's sleeve. "Mama..." She cries softly leaning down to hug her mother in comfort, her gaze turned away from the sight of her father's bending body.

A group of Corsairs arrives, armed and armored - perhaps a dozen. At their head strides a remarkably tall woman clad in red armor: Azradi anAzulada. The crowd parts for her and she marches towards the make-shift altar. With narrowed eyes of grey, she takes in the scene, resting her gaze finally upon the Steward of Black. "My god is Melkher. Let him go," she demands, quite simply. "You have no authority in this."

      The dagger-wielding priest postures himself over the bent form of Ambrose, uttering an incantation with the weapon held high over head, poised to descend into the most tender flesh of the prisoner's naked chest - several of the guards endeavor to twist his arms in the yoke and pull his legs to stretch his back, working in various ways to cause him pain and suffering in his final moments. The chanting of the priets behind reaches a crescendo.

      When the stone is thrown the men of Black Tower bare their weapons and array themselves between the crowd and the dias, forming a line to block the men of Azradi. Uzay responds to her accusation. "I have every authority to do this, witch, and how dare you speak the name of our Master in vain! Your cursed lips are unfit to voice its sacred tones!" The Black Steward raises a hand to display a ring on one hand, of a sort known to be bestowed only by the High Priestess herself, to her chosen champions. "My authority comes from the High Priestess of Nurn, Mara, who is the most holy agent of our Dark Lord in Umbar! You would do well to take this to heart, or else a worse fate will befall you, for in the end, it is not men who judge you in Middle Earth, but our merciless Master, the rightful ruler of Middle Earth, who will judge you in his eternal halls after your death! Do not fear me, for I am but a man - fear our Highest Lord, and his everlasting vengeance!" With this, the priest's dagger descends like the barbed tail of a scorpion, aimed at Ambrose's solar plexus.

[Ambrose(#29779)]       There is only a grunt as Ambrose's chest torso is pierced, trying to clutch their child, the girl turns seeing the dying expression of her father, the mouthed words of "I love you" before the dagger drains him of his life. Soon, the sobs of the mother are mimiced by the cries of the daughter as she calls out hoping her screams and cries will bring him back, "....Papa! Papa!"

There is a roar from the crowd, though it is not of approval. Several young boys stoop to pick up rocks, and a shower of rocks is thrown toward the sacrifice, along with raw eggs that a few of the women have thrown.

Through this angry crowd pushes Alimah, the Corsair already with her hand on the hilt of her weapon as she struggles to try to come next to Azradi.

"She has no authority to call for this man's execution whether in person or by proxy," Azradi replies. Her voice is loud enough to carry, but even-toned and cold. "And you have just committed murder, servant of a servant."
She does not look at the dying victim.

    Shouts echo around the square, authoritarian shouts backed up by knocks from thick staffs as a group of leather clad men barrel through the crowds. "What is this!", shouts the leader of the men, gruff, angry and half out of his breath. Here then are first of the City Guards, arrived just in.. well, in their own time.
    ARound them the rumbling of the crowds is palpable and their pushing and shoving as they try to reach the dais just adds to the commotion.

      "I have borne witness to your heresy Azradi anAzulada - you should expect to be next! Let it be known, without the slightest inkling of doubt, and without question, that the Dark Lord is the true master of Harad! All of your various petty cheiftains, tower lords, and whoever else you look to are subservient to Him! It can in no way be otherwise! Let the Dark Lord's will be done, always and in everything! We, his faithful servants, the Priesthood and the men of Black Tower, will see to it!" With a dismissive parting gesture he joins the chorus of priests and the remainder of his guards, who begin to make their way together down from the dias in the direction of one of the various alleys leading away from the square. Meanwhile, the line of men separating the crowd from the dias stand firm, endeavoring only to bar their advance and not to unduly harm any of them.

[Ambrose(#29779)]       Running forth, the little girl ducks under the armed guard and runs towards Uzay. "Your a monster!" she sobs, pitiful fits beating on his hips with half-hearted strength.

      Uzay aims a hard, back-handed slap at the girl's young, tear-stained face.

"Arrest him!" Alimah shouts to the newly arrived City Guard--pointing toward Uzay as the man, his priests and guards try to head down an alley. "Arrest him for murder!"

"Murder! murder! murderer!" The crowd takes up the word and it becomes a chant.

"This isn't Harad, this is Umbar and we have laws," Azradi replies. She glances at the newly arrived guards. "This man just committed murder. He confessed he knew neither the name nor the tower affiliation of the man he killed. Farside will help you apprehend him if wish the aid, but move quickly the coward flees!"

[Ambrose(#29779)]       Sobbing the little girl stumbles backwards and is absorbed into the crowd, lost admist their fury.

    The first of the guardsmen reach the dais and vault over onto it. The captain of this group - from his attire - takes a moment to glance around at the chaos. "Be quiet!", he shouts rather firmly at the woman in charge of the Farside contingent. With the toe of his boot, he nudges at the fallen man. "Who killed the wretch?"

As a couple of guards who hear Alimah's shout start pursuing down the alley, the captain ignores the crowd for the moment.

"The priest! The priest!" several people cry in answer to the guard captain.

"The Black Tower Steward ordered it!" Alimah shouts out, though.

      More swords are bared as the remaining men of Black Tower position themselves proximal to the dias so as to intercede in the advance of flanking guardsmen. Uzay and the folk of the priesthood, have all stepped off of the low platform and begin to proceed toward the alleyway in orderly fashion.

The Farside lady stares the guard Captain incredulously. "Why, the man who is fleeing at this very moment killed this wretch. He is in the company the Black Steward who ordered it," Azradi answers, her voice hard and dangerous as she glares at the man.

    A broken nail scratches at his scraggy chin as the captain of the guards ponders the words of the Farside lady. "Eh.. the Steward of Black? Hmm.. " Looking over to the fleeing men, he shrugs. "Well, if it is the Steward, we know where to find him don't we? No sense brawling in the streets, we'll do it civilized like."

    Another nudge.. nay a kick to the fallen body, perhaps making sure it is really dead. "Well.. why did he kill him?"

"It will be far harder to get him out once he is ensconced in Black Tower," Azradi hisses, in angry frustration. "Captain, if want to retain your commission, I suggest you go after him. I have already fought one civil war and do not fancy another!"

"It _will_ be war if this isn't taken care of now," Alimah adds to Azradi's words, her own voice full of anger. Her hand still rests on the hilt of her scimitar.

    A frown creases the captain's forehead as he steps up closer to the Farside Lady. "Are you threatening me?" As he glares down at the woman, his tone sharpens. "How do I know all this eint your doing? I got nothing but the sayso of yer royalness and some idiots who got nothing to do but stand around watching a man die.

    "Take your cohort and go home before I throw your entire lot into the sewers for a week."

      The men of Black Tower are careful not to instigate any quarrel with the guards, though they firmly resist their approach toward the Steward and the priests who accompany him. They have crossed about half of the distance between the dias to the entrance of the alleyway. It might also be observed that not everyone among the crowd is so opposed to the events that have transpired thus far, for while there are doubtlessly many who shake their fists and cry in outrage, there are many too who stand in stoic silence, conspicuously indfferent to the withdrawal of the departing assembly.

"I am witness to this," Alimah says, stepping forward to speak up so the City guard captain might notice her. "I saw the whole thing and will swear whatever oath is needed. There is no lie here--the Black Tower has decided it has the right to execute citizens who do not pay a tithe to their god. I will swear to this."

"My brother, Lord Alphros will take care of this since you are clearly incompetent," Azradi replies, giving the Captain a hard and angry look. "You will be called before him to explain yourself so prepare."

"And, this man has declared that anyone in the city who does not tithe one tenth of his possessions to the Citadel will be killed like this victim. I suggest you prepare for that, too."

"Uzay," she yells after the fleeing priests. "You will answer for this at the Council of Lords!"

    "Then you", says the captain pointing at Alimah, "come with me - you can explain to the Steward of Black what you saw". Interrupted by the mention of the Alphros's name, the captain of the guard shrugs. "He can call all he wants, but this is a matter for the Guard. It'd be better if he doesn't stick his big nose into this, or he now Lord over all towers and the Guard too?"

    A final glare at the Farside lady, then the guard strides away barking orders at his men. "You two.. drag the carcas along back to the guardhouse. Oh.. and grab that woman who saw everything... "

"I will speak at the Council of Lords if they call me," Alimah objects. "Or I will give your men a statement now--but there is no need for me to have an argument with the Black Steward now--he knows very well what happened."

    "Ey! Come along now!", growls the captain. "We are going to Black where you can point out the killer to me." Then to nearest guard. "Tie her up and drag her along if she won't come quietly."

      The assembly, comprised of Uzay and a number of priests, has arrived at the egress leading to an alleyway adjoining the square. Without so much as a backward glance, they begin to pass through, though they are not too far to be caught up with, should any of the armed forces opposing the men of Black press forward aggressively.

Shaking her head, Azradi just looks at the man for a moment. "You must have been tithed from Black Tower."
"Expect to be summoned by my brother, who is in fact, a Lord of Umbar."

Offering the Captain one last look of disgust, the Farside lady gestures for her Corsairs and heads towards the east.
The sun sinks in the sky and falls below the horizon. Nighttime takes over.

"You will -not- tie me up and drag me anywhere!" Alimah says--in one motion drawing her scimitar to threaten the guard. "But I will come with you to point out the murderer and his accomplice. Yes?" She smiles grimly--it's a threat.

    The guard - a grizzled veteran - laughs, shakes his head. "Put that blade away before you hurt yourself and come along quiet like. This is no joking matter and the captain's likely to tan both our hides if there is a ruckus." More serious now, he looks at the fallen body as his comrades hoist the bloody lump onto their shoulder and stagger off the platform.

    "This is a bad business mind you.. likely cause more bloodshed" A shrug, a sigh, and then he waves the woman forward "Come along then.."

Alimah gives a quick glance over her shoulder to the departing troop from Farside, but sheaths her blade and heads where the guard indicates.

Players: Uzay,Amrose,Alimah,Azradi,CaptainSwineFlu,Latif
Located in: Haradrim