
Tree Singing

Two Elves share their song to the mellyrn of the Golden Wood.
Sort Date: no date set
Location: Elven Path, Naith, Lorien

Forest Path
You stand now well within the Naith of Lorien, or the Gore as it has been called, surrounded on all sides by towering Mellyrns, the beautiful trees with bark of silver and leaves of gold. This is Laurelindorenan, the place of the Singing-Gold so appreciated by the High-elves. You look up at the golden leaves, but are distracted by a blur of motion behind the trees. You turn quickly, to catch a look, but are left only with that strange feeling that you are being watched.
Obvious exits:
 Northeast leads to Path through a Grotto.
 Southwest leads to Riverside, Naith of Lorien.

================== Eldarin Calendar ===================
IC time is:    Midnight < About  1:27 AM >
IC day is:     Ormenel
IC date is:    15 Ethuil
Moon phase:    Waxing Crescent
Earendil:      Gil-Estel is not visible.
IC year is:    Loa 25 o Yen 22, Nelandran o Endor
RL time:        Sun Feb 28 15:49:18 2010
Calendar help: +ELF TIME HELP    Quenya version: +ELF TIME QUENYA

It is midnight, and the cool light from the stars filters down through the golden canopy to dance in the leaves. Musical laughter drifts from amid silver bole and there might be heard the mystical sound of a sweet melody played out on a harp.

The mellryn trees press in all around this path through the forest. There is nothing to signal her approach - no noise of footfall or whisper of brush - and yet the sentinel Veredhiel appears from a trail leading off to be concealed in the foliage. A longbow hugs her back, and the guards' uniform of shadow gray she wears.

[Taure(#16089)] Working steadily, Taure tends to his friends, the Trees. Singing brightly, a faint glow appears around him. Slowly, it grows and begins to surrond the Mallorn before begins growing brighter and a shinier gold colour. Singing faster, he seems to glow brighter and the tree grows more and more beautiful. It seems as if the tree has no more need of tending, and Taure stops singing and sits.

Taure then notices an elf who appeared suddenly from the trees. With an interested look, he bows in the traditional style of the elves, "Hello, Sister!" he says in his sing-song voice "How are you, this fair night? The stars shine brightly and the Trees sing, do they not?"

The sound of singing dances upon the elleth's ears, and she looks up, peering on ahead through the dark and the trees. "Ah, hail Taure!" she calls in greeting, smiling when at last she catches sight of the owner of the voice. "Yea, the starlight is clear and lovely this time of night. At last we shall see it, for the past few eve's the lights of the stars and moon were veiled in rainy clouds."

Coming closer, Veredhiel nods. "Yes, indeed they do," and she raises a hand toward the surrounding mellyrn. "such wonder when Elven voices as well as the voices of the trees speak in harmony."

[Taure(#16089)] "You speak the truth," Taure says "Would you be interested in combining your voice with mine and the Trees?" Taure glances questioningly at Veredhiel.

The elf-maid laughs then, like the sound of the river flowing over smooth stones. "I will join you gladly, mellon nin," she says, watching the other with bright gray eyes and her soft smile. "Shall we sing about their beauty? Perhaps a song of awkakening after the long winter."

[Taure(#16089)] "Let us sing of their beauty and of their wisdom," Taure whispers "For they enjoy the sound of a compliment and love the voice of praise!" Taure joins in Veredhiel's laughter.

"Very well then," grins Veredhiel. "We can give them some comfort in this lonely pathway." She moves and settles herself at the base of one of the mellyrn, resting against its silver bark and casting her head back to gaze into the towering branches high overhead. Then she pats the grass beside where she sits, indicating for Taure to join her if he would. She begins a quiet melody, slowing growing louder and with more swaying ryhthm.

[Taure(#16089)] Taure walks over slowly, as in a trance. He sits next to Veredhiel, and stares with her into the branches above. He then slowly joins her song, harmonizing with her, and weaving a golden thread throughout the song. He begins to grow faster and with a louder sound. "The beauty of the Mellyrn is unsurpassed by any of the mortal trees, their golden leaves and silver bark is finer than anything made a smith Man, Dwarf or Elf..."

The sentinel peeks her eyes open a small sliver to look beside her before she continues. Now with two voices interwoven, the song increases in strength, and in its wonderful elven tune - for it has the mystical quality of the Fair Folk, and sounds both sad and joyful at the same time. The melody continues:

High as the winds and mighty with gold leaves
your silver boughs stretch beyond dreams...

[Taure(#16089)] "Nai i Mellyrn ve anoi!" Taure chants, his voice becoming stronger and more beautiful, feelings amd sounds from the Elder Days break out from the Trees. The Forest erupts into song together with Veredhiel's and Taure's song.

For a moment, Veredhiel pauses and her contribution trails into silence. Quietly, seeming to listen almost, she takes a hand and runs it over the bark at her back. "I think they like it!" she grins, giving the mallorn a light pat, and peering into its leaves again. "But, perhaps we can come closer?" The elleth stands with a bound onto her feet, and she turns to face the smooth base of the large tree. Casting one last smile to Taure next to her, she reaches up and grabs one of the lower hanging branches, pulling herself up onto it. "Perhaps up higher they can harken better."

[Taure(#16089)] Taure's eyes flash his approval, and quickly follows Veredhiel's lead. Together they climb to the top of mallorn, and begin their song anew!


Players: Taure, Veredhiel
Located in: Galadhrim